Thursday, December 17, 2015

Activated charcoal

         Traps the toxins from your body, acts as a magnet to detoxify harsh chemicals in your body, hangover cure, flushes out excess buildup, helps side effects of Lyme disease.
      These are a few of the statements floating around about activated charcoal. I am not here to tell you to swallow activated charcoal as a detox plan, hangover remedy, or reduce bloating. Emergency trauma centers around the world do use charcoal to help with overdose or poisoning, but not as a daily dietary supplement. If medical researchers still aren't sure exactly the long term effects or results from daily charcoal intake then I am not about to.

       What I know for sure is that gargling "natural" activated
charcoal (derived from coconut shells or another natural source) helps remove stains from heavy tea or coffee drinking. I am a heavy coffee drinker, and I don't have the energy to do oil pulling every day for 15 minutes. I like to switch off, and I find the charcoal really helps pull out stains by either gargling or brushing. I use the "Country Life" brand, which I found at Whole Foods.

      I break the capsule- be careful its jet black and can stain, and I then put it on my toothbrush and scrub. You can also scrub for a minute then swish it around for a bit in your mouth. You will have black teeth, but not to worry it will go away. Sometimes if I am really creative I will mix it with baking soda. Just a warning, this brand kind of smells like butt. If you aren't used to the smell at first, mix it with toothpaste, coconut oil, or peppermint oil. If you have a white bathroom like I do, it easily comes out with warm water and a washcloth in case you do spill. Once you are done brushing, rinse it several times (don't forget your tongue, it will be black too) and voila, one step closer to a brighter, coffee-free smile!

                             x jules

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