Sunday, December 13, 2015

Spray fountain of youth.

          Rainwater in a can, angel tears, setting sprays, toners, it what you will.

         What are these exactly? Is it a sham? How is spraying canned water on your face really that special? Is the essence of spring water derived from the tallest mountaintops, or gathered from a Tuck Everlasting-esque well really going to change my skin once and for all or is it a load of bs? 

I know for a fact I do not step inside a Sephora or a Nordstroms without spritzing myself with Caudalie's Eau de Beaute tonic. The invigorating and slightly soothing medicinal smell gets me every time. The famous french brand created this elixir as a part serum- part-toner to refresh and revitalize, dull, tiresome skin. Made with grape extract (anti-aging... wine anyone?), orange blossom, rose, mint and rosemary, this is the secret to a quick pick me up. The smell truly does pep up your senses and instantly refreshes your makeup and skin. This elixir is great for before applying your nightly moisturizer, quickly hydrating and refreshing makeup, soothing irritated skin, during an airplane ride, etc. You end with glowing, radiant skin. Who wouldn't want that?

  Another wonderful product if you are sensitive to smells, and/or just need a pure thermal water, go for Avene. Yes I get a lot of shit for purchasing spring water in a can, but let me tell you, its fantastic. After some heavy obsession with french beauty, (hence the name of my blog) the product I have seen time and time again is Avene thermal spray. No there is no magical life-changing ingredient. It is simply, spring water in a can. I absolutely love spraying it before applying makeup, before bed, after a mask or on top of a mask, at work before I leave. It truly hydrates your skin and reactivates whatever moisturizer is on, refreshes the makeup on your skin, or soothes any sensitivity or irritation.

   I could have fallen under the spell of how refreshing it is to mist yourself, or maybe it really is undeniably a wonderful product. Who knows. All I know is I definitely will continue to surrender to Caudalie and Avene.

                        x jules 

1 comment:

  1. It was great to have a bottle of Avene Thermal Spring Water with me on a long distance flight, it kept my skin feeling hydrated throughout the trip! Thank you for the tip, Jules!
